Wednesday, August 17, 2005

on my jog...

I saw the cleanup after some kind of high-rise fire; I heard a samba band play; I heard ambient sounds from the Pritzker Pavilion as the Grant Park Orchestra played some 20th-c piece;

I ran across the BP bridge over Columbus drive (both of the previous designed by Frank Gehry);
BP Bridge
I ran through the rose garden in Milennium Park (sorry no pic); I saw a red moon rise over Lake Michigan; I saw a brontosaurus;

I saw a tiny yellow bird.

Too many nyc blogs out there...chicago is clearly where the proverbial two turnables con microphone may be found.
OK, I have to cop to the fact that I didn't take these myself, largely due to the consideration that it is a pain in the ass to carry a digital camera while jogging. Next time I'm out (at a slower pace) I'll bring the cam along.
Chicago's great and all, but we need more California blogs, truth be told. California's where it's AT, bay-bee!
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