Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Wow! Two posts in one day! Either a lot has happened or I must need work on typing skills. But in fact the true answer is that I discovered the "Add Image" button on the toolbar and I was inspired. Thus we see, as Adorno reminds us from beyond the grave, that the materiality of the artwork is more than merely incidental to its aesthetics.

This post refers not so much to recent happenings as to the Brighton Technical Academy three-year reunion bash, which took place in Manhattan and Brooklyn from July 21-28. It seemed like those three years had just flown by. Of course you've heard from our old professor, Prof. McTweedpants. How provocative and cute he truly was. I'll never forget his seminar on Foucault and exfoliation:

Right there in the old washroom at BTA, with the old blue poofy thing behind me. Then there was the time Prof. McTweedpants dared Vinnie to definitively disprove the methodology of Stephen Greenblatt and his New Historicist chums:

Good times, man, good times. Speaking of time, would you look at it!? Look at the time! I must be off to the gime. What's a gime? It's a gym! So for the moment these were the old good times at BTA; very soon observe the hilarity that ensued upon our reunion.

Vinnie looks scary.
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